Sunday, October 18, 2009

Dogs and Toes

Lets jump right in on the RANDOM! woo hoo!

As you could tell by the title this is going to be a bit off the wall.

Durring the summer while I'm cleaning and doing maintence in the Dog Yard one of the most important thing is H2O. We have 55 gal barrels around the dog yard and then we carry the water to each dog house. Durring these days I get pretty damn wet. My feet expecally... So I divised a plan. I wear Chacos. (If you don't know what these amazing pieces of awesome are I suggest you click here!)
These chacos show off my toesies to the dogs.

The first day I wore my sandals into the dog yard I noticed all the dogs were obsessed with licking my toes. But some of them acted pretty weird about it. I never really thought on it much... until I did.

I have pondered it for awhile and have come to the conclusion that most of the dogs have never seen toes before!!!

Ok. There could be a few different reactions to this. One would be "What! Thats dumb. Of course they have" another one could be "durr they are dogs" and are interested in everything.

But most dogs have seen toes, but not our dogs. Because they live outside and most of their socilizaion is in the winter, and no dumb ass would go into the dog yard in december w/ no shoes on (except possibly me) And in the summer no one is stupid enough to wear sandals to work.

So my rant today was suposed to be pointing out how things can have interesting meanings... The dogs had no idea what was going on with toes. If I had not been interested or paying attention to the dogs interest this would have gone unnoticed. Can anyone figure out what I'm saying here? One thing I might be saying is that what else is going unnoticed?

Have a good day and stay warm!

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